Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Held in conjunction with ACM KDD 2024 | Barcelona, Spain
Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona, Spain - Wednesday, August 28th, 2024

At KDD 2024, the organizers are committed to the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and ensuring that our community is open to the diverse needs of its members. Regardless of origin, nationality or individual characteristics, everyone deserves the same opportunities.

To support these values, this special session will highlight research, innovation and policy in data science that aims to promote equality, diversity, inclusion and well-being. This initiative is not only relevant in data science, but also across government, the private and public sectors, activism and media. The eradication of discrimination and biases, the elimination of stereotypes and the promotion of wellbeing are key objectives. They serve both as research topics and as workplace policies to fundamentally improve society.


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Main contact: EDI2024@kdd.org